Results of Elections to the 16th Knesset-Jan 28- 2003

Results of Elections to the 16th Knesset-Jan 28- 2003

      Final Results of Elections to the 16th Knesset

    Voting statistics:

    Total number of ballot boxes counted: 7,697
    Total number of registered voters: 4,720,074
    Total Ballots: 3,200,773
    Invalid Ballots: 52,409
    Valid Ballots: 3,148,364
    Number of votes for qualifying threshold: 44,750
    Number of votes per Knesset seat: 23,860

    Votes by party list:

    LIST No. of seats No. of votes % of votes
    Likud 38 925,279 29.4%
    Labor-Meimad 19 455,183 14.5%
    Shinui 15 386,535 12.3%
    Shas 11 258,879 8.2%
    National Union 7 173,973 5.5%
    Meretz 6 164,122 5.2%
    National Religious Party 6 132,370 4.2%
    Torah and Shabbat Judaism 5 135,087 4.3%
    Hadash 3 93,819 3.0%
    Am Ehad 3 86,808 2.8%
    National Democratic Assembly (Balad) 3 71,299 2.3%
    Yisrael Ba'aliya 2 67,719 2.2%
    United Arab List 2 65,551 2.1%

    Note: The remaining lists obtained less than the required minimum for election (1.5% of the total vote):

    LIST   No. of votes % of votes
    Green Leaf Party   37,855 1.0%
    Herut   36,202 1.1%
    Progressive National Alliance   20,571 0.7%
    Green Party   12,833 0.4%
    Yisrael Aheret   7,144 0.2%
    Ahavat Yisrael   5,468 0.2%
    Tzomet   2,023 0.1%
    Center Party   1,961 0.1%
    Organization for Democratic Action   1,925 0.1%
    Citizen and State   1,566 <0.1%
    Men's Rights in the Family   1,284 <0.1%
    Lahava   1,181 <0.1%
    Za'am   894 <0.1%
    Leeder   833 <0.1%

    Elections in Israel January 2003 - Special Update
    Official election results - with regional breakdown
    Results of Elections to the 15th Knesset, May 1999
    Previous Knesset election results